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Your Ultimate Malaysia Bucket List - Top Things to Do in Malaysia

Malaysia, a land of vibrant diversity, beckons with a myriad of experiences that transcend boundaries, and this extensive bucket list will reflect just that!

Whether you’re an intrepid explorer seeking adrenaline-fueled adventures or a quiet soul yearning for serene moments, whether you’re a first-time visitor or a seasoned local, I promise there will always be something fresh to discover and to love.

This is an ever-evolving list, so stay tuned as it continually unveils new gems for the wanderlust in you, ensuring that your every journey through Malaysia is as diverse and enchanting as the country itself.


Go to the top of Petronas Twin Towers

Petronas Twin Towers. Credit: Dudva / Wikimedia Commons

The Petronas Towers (colloquially called the KLCC Twin Towers), stand as an iconic symbol of Kuala Lumpur and a testament to Malaysia’s modernity and ambition. Soaring 452 meters above the bustling cityscape, these twin towers held the title of the world’s tallest buildings from 1998 to 2004.

Their gleaming steel and glass facades reflect a blend of Islamic motifs and contemporary design, with a skybridge connecting the two towers. Visitors can visit the skybridge and the top floor. Beyond their striking appearance, the Petronas Towers house offices, an upscale shopping mall, and a concert hall, making them not just a sight to behold from afar but a bustling hub of activity and culture within.

At night, when illuminated against the Kuala Lumpur skyline, the towers exude an ethereal beauty, with a captivating musical fountain show at the park.


Climb the steps of Batu Caves

Batu Caves. Credit: Chainwit / Wikimedia Commons

Batu Caves, a revered Hindu pilgrimage site located just outside Kuala Lumpur, is a fascinating blend of spirituality, natural wonder, and cultural richness. The site’s main attraction is a series of limestone caves and caverns, housing ornate Hindu shrines and statues. The towering golden statue of Lord Murugan, standing at 42 meters tall, guards the entrance and serves as an awe-inspiring beacon to visitors.

Ascending the steep flight of 272 rainbow-hued steps leads you into the heart of the caves, where shafts of sunlight pierce through the openings, illuminating the cavernous spaces within.

Batu Caves also hosts the annual Thaipusam festival, a colorful and deeply spiritual celebration drawing devotees and tourists alike. 

Read: Are the Batu Caves Worth Visiting?

Conquer your fear of heights in the Sky Box, KL Tower

Me, in the Sky Box.

Suspended at a dizzying height, this glass-encased observation deck provides an unparalleled panoramic view of the cityscape, offering visitors a surreal feeling of being suspended in mid-air. As you step onto the transparent floor, the vast urban landscape unfolds beneath your feet, showcasing the iconic landmarks like the Petronas Towers and the vibrant city life.

Whether witnessing the cityscape in the daylight or immersed in the dazzling lights of the night, the Sky Box at KL Tower offers an unforgettable and slightly vertigo-inducing encounter with the dynamic energy of Malaysia’s capital city.

Read: Petronas Twin Towers vs KL Tower — Which One Should You Visit?

See the leaning tower of Teluk Intan

Teluk Intan Leaning Tower. Credit: Christopherkent / Wikimedia Commons

The Teluk Intan Leaning Tower, also known as the Menara Condong, stands as a charming architectural anomaly in the heart of a small town called Teluk Intan. This iconic tower, reminiscent of Italy’s Leaning Tower of Pisa, leans at a slight angle due to its foundation sinking into soft ground over the years.

Rising seven stories high, it’s an intriguing sight, with an octagonal shape and a clock adorning its top floor. Visitors can climb its spiral staircase to enjoy panoramic views of the town and the surrounding countryside. The tower’s historical significance and its unique tilt make it a must-visit attraction, adding character to the town’s skyline and inviting curious travelers to witness its lean firsthand.

Step foot on the southernmost tip of mainland Asia

Tanjung Piai monument. Credit: Amy00 / Wikimedia Commons

Standing proudly as the southernmost tip of mainland Asia, Tanjung Piai in Johor, Malaysia, is a geographical gem that also marks the meeting point of two vast bodies of water: the Straits of Malacca and the South China Sea. The cape offers visitors a tranquil and picturesque setting, where the land gently merges with the seascape.

As travelers venture to this point, they are met with panoramic views of mangrove forests, serene boardwalks, and an abundance of unique flora and fauna, including migratory birds and rare species.

Nature & Outdoors

See the tea plantations in Cameron Highlands

Cameron Highlands. Credit: Visions of Domino / Wikimedia Commons

Visiting the Cameron Highlands is an essential experience, regardless of your affinity for nature, mainly due to the breathtaking vistas it offers. Exploring the stunning landscapes through trails provides a glimpse into the allure that attracted British officers to vacation here during the 19th century.

Delve into the lush forests and sprawling fields to truly grasp the captivating beauty that has enchanted generations. If trekking isn’t your thing, there’s still plenty to enjoy. Discover the expansive flower nurseries, wander through butterfly gardens teeming with colorful life, or visit honey bee farms for a taste of local honey production.

Additionally, don’t overlook the vibrant open markets that showcase the region’s diverse flora and fauna; it’s an excursion you won’t want to miss during your stay.

Climb Mount Kinabalu - Malaysia's tallest mountain

Mount Kinabalu. Credit: Ariel Steiner / Wikimedia Commons

Ascending Mount Kinabalu, one of the tallest peaks in Southeast Asia, is a trekking adventure that promises unparalleled natural beauty and a thrilling physical challenge. Situated in Sabah, Malaysia, this majestic mountain offers climbers a chance to conquer its heights, standing at an elevation of 4,095 meters above sea level.

The climb unveils diverse ecosystems, from lush rainforests teeming with unique flora and fauna to alpine meadows adorned with vibrant flowers. As climbers ascend, the landscape transitions into a rugged terrain of granite peaks, culminating in the exhilarating summit where a breathtaking sunrise rewards the effort.

Read: Climbing Mount Kinabalu as a Solo Traveler without a Tour Operator

Climb the Mulu Pinnacles in Sarawak

Mulu pinnacles. Credit: Nur Nafis Naim / Wikimedia Commons

The Mulu Pinnacles, an extraordinary natural wonder nestled within Gunung Mulu National Park in Malaysian Borneo, stand as a testament to nature’s artistry. These dramatic limestone formations, resembling towering stone needles, pierce the sky in a surreal landscape of jagged peaks and sheer cliffs.

Accessible after a challenging trek through dense rainforest trails and up steep slopes, witnessing the sunrise illuminate these towering pinnacles is a breathtaking reward for adventurers. The Mulu Pinnacles offer an otherworldly spectacle, captivating visitors with their sheer grandeur and evoking a sense of wonder at the marvels crafted by time and natural forces.

Swim with turtles and sharks

Green turtle in Sipadan, Sabah. Credit: Bernard Dupont / Wikimedia Commons

Places like Sipadan Island, Redang Island, or Tioman Island are renowned for their rich marine biodiversity. Glide through the turquoise waters and be mesmerized as graceful sea turtles gracefully glide by. In some locations, lucky snorkelers might even spot reef sharks, adding an exhilarating edge to the experience.

These encounters, often accompanied by colorful coral reefs and a diverse array of marine life, create an unforgettable snorkeling experience, where nature’s beauty and the thrill of encountering these magnificent creatures combine for a truly magical aquatic adventure in Malaysia’s tropical paradise.

Release baby turtles into the sea

Baby turtle swimming to sea. Credit: JB London / Wikimedia Commons

Watching baby turtles hatch and guiding them into the ocean is a heartwarming and unforgettable experience in Malaysia. Along the country’s coastline, conservation efforts in places like Terengganu or Sabah provide the opportunity to witness the miracle of life as baby turtles hatch from their sandy nests.

As these tiny creatures make their way towards the sea, guided by the natural light of the moon, visitors can play a crucial role in ensuring their safe journey. Participating in turtle hatchling releases allows one to witness the resilience of these newborns and contribute to their survival.

Guided by conservationists, gently guiding the tiny hatchlings across the beach and watching them enter the vast expanse of the ocean is a deeply moving experience, fostering a sense of stewardship for these endangered species and leaving an indelible mark of hope and conservation on those fortunate enough to witness this spectacle.

Read: Releasing Baby Turtles into the Sea in Cherating

Get up close with orangutans

Orangutan. Credit: Thomas Fuhrmann / Wikimedia Commons

Trekking through the rainforests of Sabah and Sarawak, particularly in places like Sepilok Orangutan Rehabilitation Centre or Semenggoh Nature Reserve, offers a rare opportunity to witness these majestic primates up close.

Witnessing orangutans feeding, playing, and nurturing their young provides a glimpse into their social dynamics and emphasizes the importance of conservation efforts to protect these endangered species.

See the biggest flower in the world

Rafflesia. Credit: Henrik Ishihara Globaljuggler / Wikimedia Commons

Within the depths of the Bornean rainforest, you might be able to encounter the world’s largest and most enigmatic flower: the Rafflesia. This botanical wonder can reach a diameter of up to a meter, showcasing its striking, reddish-brown petals adorned with intricate patterns resembling a work of art.

Locating the elusive Rafflesia demands patience and a sense of adventure, as it blooms unpredictably and for a fleeting period. Its brief appearance amidst the verdant rainforest serves as a reminder of the beauty and fragility of our natural world.

Be enchanted by fireflies by the river

Fireflies. Credit: Mike Lewinski / Wikimedia Commons

Embark on a nocturnal river cruise, such as the one along the Selangor River to witness the breathtaking spectacle as thousands of fireflies twinkle like tiny stars among the mangrove trees. The rhythmic flickering of these bioluminescent insects creates a mesmerizing natural light show, painting the night with their enchanting glow.

As the boat glides through the tranquil waters, the ethereal dance of the fireflies against the backdrop of the mangrove forest creates an otherworldly ambiance, evoking a sense of wonder and awe.

Read: Watching Fireflies in Kuala Selangor

See proboscis monkeys in Borneo

Proboscis monkey. Credit: Charles J. Sharp / Wikimedia Commons

These uniquely fascinating primates, with their distinctive long noses and potbellies, inhabit the coastal forests and mangroves of Borneo. Encounters with these endearing creatures offer not just a chance to admire their peculiar features but also evoke a profound appreciation for Malaysia’s diverse and captivating wildlife.

Art & Culture

Learn to make batik art

Painting batik. Credit: Shubert Ciencia / Wikimedia Commons

Batik, a technique of wax-resist dyeing on fabric, holds deep significance in Malaysian culture. Participating in a batik-making workshop provides a hands-on experience, allowing enthusiasts to learn the intricate process from skilled artisans. From applying wax designs to the fabric to delicately dyeing each section, the meticulous craftsmanship unveils the beauty of this ancient art form.

Beyond mastering the techniques, this hands-on experience fosters a deeper appreciation for the artistry and craftsmanship behind each unique batik piece, leaving participants with a newfound admiration for this timeless Malaysian art.

Learn about Islamic arts at the Islamic Art Museum

Kuala Lumpur Islamic Arts Museum. Photo by CEphoto, Uwe Aranas

Housing one of the most extensive collections of meticulously curated Islamic artifacts in Southeast Asia, the Islamic Arts Museum in Kuala Lumpur boasts a stunning array of exquisite exhibits. Visitors are transported through centuries of Islamic civilization, encountering intricately designed ceramics, splendid textiles, mesmerizing calligraphy, and stunning architectural models.

Each gallery within the museum showcases the richness and artistic mastery of Islamic civilizations from across the world, offering a profound insight into the spiritual, cultural, and aesthetic elements that define Islamic art.

Watch a wayang kulit (shadow puppet) show

Wayang kulit. Credit: Candra Firmansyah / Wikimedia Commons

Popular in the northeastern state of Kelantan, this traditional form of shadow puppetry showcases intricate leather puppets skillfully maneuvered by a dalang (puppeteer) against a backlit screen.

As the dalang narrates ancient tales from the Hindu epics or local folklore, the shadow puppets come to life, captivating audiences with their graceful movements and vibrant colors. The hypnotic music of traditional instruments like the gamelan accompanies the storytelling, creating a mystical ambiance.

Beyond entertainment, a Wayang Kulit show serves as a cultural bridge, preserving age-old stories and traditions while offering spectators a glimpse into Malaysia’s rich cultural tapestry and the artistry of this revered theatrical form.

Visit an Orang Asli settlement

A native tribe. Credit: Vin Crosbie / Wikimedia Commons

Visiting an Orang Asli settlement in Malaysia offers a glimpse into the unique culture and way of life of the indigenous tribes. These communities, dwelling deep in the lush rainforests, welcome visitors with warmth and hospitality, providing insights into their traditional customs, crafts, and daily routines.

Engaging with the Orang Asli people unveils their deep connection with nature, showcasing age-old traditions passed down through generations. From learning about their distinctive dwellings to observing their hunting techniques or intricate handicrafts, the experience fosters a profound appreciation for their resilience and harmonious coexistence with the natural world.

There are several Orang Asli settlements in Selangor, Perak, and Pahang that are open to visitors.

Stay in a traditional longhouse

Longhouse in Kuching Cultural Village. Credit: Peter Gronemann / Wikimedia Commons

Within the verdant landscapes of Sarawak or Sabah, these communal dwellings are the heart of indigenous communities, showcasing centuries-old traditions and ways of life. The longhouse, an elongated structure elevated on stilts, welcomes visitors into a close-knit community where generations live together under one roof.

Guests are enveloped in the warmth of hospitality, participating in daily activities, sharing meals prepared with local ingredients, and engaging in traditional dances and rituals. Sleeping quarters, separated by communal spaces, reflect their simple yet meaningful living.

Wear kebaya nyonya in Melaka

Kebaya nyonya. Credit: Jamieson Teo / Wikimedia Commons

This traditional costume, characterized by its intricate embroidery, finely detailed beadwork and colorful batik patterns, embodies the unique blend of Chinese and Malay influences, particularly in Malacca.

Visitors can embrace this cultural experience by partaking in dress-up sessions offered at select locations, allowing them to wear the beautiful Kebaya Nyonya and complete the ensemble with ornate accessories. Beyond the visual allure, donning this attire connects individuals to the history and traditions of the Peranakan community.

Read: What to Wear in Malaysia: How to Dress Appropriately for Malaysian Weather and Customs

Join the Thaipusam procession

Thaipusam festival in Malaysia. Credit: Peter Gronemann / Wikimedia Commons

Thaipusam, an important Hindu festival, is celebrated with great fervor, particularly at the Batu Caves near Kuala Lumpur, one of the most renowned Thaipusam destinations. The festivities usually take place in late January or early February, attracting thousands of devotees and spectators from all over the country, and as far as India.

The highlight of the celebration is the awe-inspiring kavadi procession, where devotees carry elaborate structures adorned with flowers, milk pots, and sometimes even spears, as a symbolic act of penance and gratitude to Lord Murugan. The atmosphere is electrifying, filled with the rhythmic beats of drums and the chanting of hymns.

Visitors can witness not only the devout fulfilling their vows but also partake in the vibrant cultural performances, delicious traditional food, and the general sense of unity that permeates the air. It’s a unique opportunity to witness the deep spirituality and rich cultural heritage of the Tamil community in Malaysia.

Witness the Merdeka parade on Independence Day

Merdeka parade at Dataran Merdeka. Credit: Rizuan / Wikimedia Commons

Held annually on August 31st, the parade commemorates Malaysia’s Independence Day and fills the atmosphere with enthusiasm as spectators gather to witness a grand spectacle of military precision, cultural performances, and vibrant floats. The highlight is the majestic march-past featuring the Malaysian Armed Forces, police contingents, and various civilian groups. Colorful traditional costumes, intricate dance routines, and musical performances showcase the country’s rich diversity.

The iconic sight of the Jalur Gemilang, Malaysia’s flag, waving proudly against the backdrop of historic landmarks adds to the sense of unity and patriotism. As the air resonates with the beat of drums and cheers from the crowd, witnessing the Merdeka Parade becomes not just a visual feast but a heartfelt celebration of Malaysia’s journey towards freedom and unity. It’s typically held at Merdeka Square, Kuala Lumpur or in Putrajaya.

Get invited to an open house

Eid mubarak open house. Credit: Sham Hardy / Wikimedia Commons

Typically taking place during festive occasions, open houses embody the spirit of unity and hospitality, where hosts throw open their doors to family, friends, and even strangers, welcoming all with warmth and generosity.

Visitors are treated to a lavish spread of traditional delicacies and specialties, from aromatic rendang to delectable kuih, offering a tantalizing taste of Malaysia’s diverse culinary heritage. The atmosphere buzzes with joyous conversations, laughter, and shared moments of cultural exchange, as people of various backgrounds come together to celebrate and forge bonds of camaraderie.

These open houses epitomize Malaysia’s spirit of inclusivity, fostering a sense of unity and togetherness that transcends cultural boundaries and makes every visitor feel like part of an extended family. Come during a festival and you might get invited to one! Check the Malaysia public holiday calendar here.

Learn the art of traditional kite-making

Wau, a traditional Malay kite. Credit: Kerina yin / Wikimedia Commons

The intricate process of crafting a wau, the traditional Malaysian kite, involves meticulous attention to detail and a deep understanding of materials. Skilled artisans guide enthusiasts through the steps of assembling the frame, meticulously applying colored paper or fabric, and intricately painting designs that often depict motifs from nature or folklore.

As the kite takes shape under the guidance of these experts, participants not only learn a traditional craft but also connect with the country’s traditions and stories, making the experience of creating a wau both educational and culturally enriching.

You can visit a wau-making shop or watch a wau competition in Kelantan.

Watch a traditional dance show

A traditional dance performance in Sabah. Photo by CEphoto, Uwe Aranas

Whether it’s the graceful movements of the Malay Joget, the intricate steps of Indian classical dances like Bharatanatyam, or the lively performances of Chinese lion and dragon dances, each dance form tells a story deeply rooted in history, rituals, and folklore.

These mesmerizing performances, often accompanied by traditional music and colorful costumes, captivate audiences with their rhythmic elegance and cultural significance. Catch a performance at various art and cultural centers around the country.

Watch silat - a traditional Malay martial art

Silat, a traditional Malay martial art. Credit: Nora Valo / Wikimedia Commons

Rooted in Malay culture and history, Silat showcases a blend of graceful movements, powerful strikes, and intricate choreography. Each maneuver carries a story, reflecting ancient battle techniques, self-defense skills, and local folklore. The rhythmic sounds of traditional percussion instruments accompany the performance, adding an exhilarating dimension to the visual spectacle.

Silat is usually performed at weddings, formal ceremonies, and cultural shows.

Ride a trishaw

Trishaws. Credit: Gryffindor / Wikimedia Commons

Riding a trishaw in Malaysia can be a delightful journey down memory lane through heritage-rich cities like Malacca, Kota Bharu, and Georgetown (Penang). These iconic three-wheeled bicycles, some adorned with vibrant colors and decorative elements, offer a unique and leisurely way to explore the charm of the narrow lanes, past colonial-era architecture, and vibrant street art.

In places like Penang and Kota Bharu, the trishaw ride is not merely a touristy gimmick, but is still a common mode of transportation for the locals to cover short distances. The friendly banter of the trishaw riders, often with a wealth of local stories to share, adds a personal touch to the journey.

Food & Drinks

Eat durian, world's stinkiest fruit

Durians. Credit: Kalai / Wikimedia Commons

Known as the “king of fruits,” the durian’s spiky exterior conceals a divisive yet flavorful interior. Its pungent aroma, described by some as overpowering and by others as tantalizingly sweet, heralds the unique taste awaiting adventurous palates. The creamy flesh, often likened to custard, is a blend of sweet and savory notes, offering a rich, complex flavor profile. While some find its taste irresistible, others may need time to acclimate to its strong odor and assertive taste.

Sampling durian in Malaysia is not just about the fruit itself; it’s an immersion into local culture, where durian enjoys a revered status and inspires lively discussions, making it an essential experience for those seeking to explore Malaysia’s unique culinary delights.

Eat nasi lemak, Malaysia's national dish

Nasi lemak. Credit: Mw12310 / Wikimedia Commons

This iconic dish, considered Malaysia’s national dish, presents a harmonious blend of fragrant coconut rice, accompanied by a spicy sambal (chili paste), crispy anchovies, roasted peanuts, slices of cucumber, and a hard-boiled or fried egg. The centerpiece, the rice cooked in coconut milk, boasts a subtly sweet aroma and a rich, creamy texture that serves as a perfect canvas for the dish’s accompaniments.

Whether enjoyed as a breakfast staple or a satisfying meal at any time of day, this dish embodies Malaysia’s culinary heritage, offering a delightful gastronomic experience that’s beloved by locals and a must-try for visitors.

Read: 10 Unique Malaysian Rice Dishes that You Need to Try

Drink teh tarik (pulled tea) at a mamak restaurant

Teh tarik. Credit: Alpha / Wikimedia Commons

This beloved drink, translating to “pulled tea,” is a fragrant blend of black tea and condensed milk meticulously poured back and forth between two containers to create a frothy, creamy concoction. The rhythmic “pulling” motion aerates the tea, enhancing its flavors and creating a signature silky texture.

The art of preparing Teh Tarik is as much a performance as it is a beverage, with skilled “teh tarik masters” showcasing their dexterity and showmanship by pouring the tea from great heights. Whether served at bustling street stalls or cozy local eateries, Teh Tarik never fails to delight the senses with its comforting warmth and sweetness.

Read: 10 Must-Try Malaysian Drinks to Quench Your Thirst

Eat roti canai for breakfast

Roti canai. Credit: Misaochan / Wikimedia Commons

This delectable dish, a type of flaky, crispy Indian-influenced flatbread, is a staple found in bustling mamak stalls and eateries across the nation. The dough is skillfully stretched and folded, creating layers that yield a delightfully crispy exterior while maintaining a soft, chewy interior.

Typically served for breakfast or as an evening snack, it comes with a side of flavorful curry sauce, often with chicken, dhal (lentil), or fish. In 2023, roti canai was voted #1 best bread in the world by international food guide, Taste Atlas.

Read: 10 Malaysian Savory Snacks You Must Not Miss

Eat banana-leaf rice with your fingers

Banana-leaf rice. Credit: Jpatokal / Wikimedia Commons

This South Indian-inspired meal is a culinary tradition served on a banana leaf, typically featuring rice as the centerpiece, surrounded by an array of aromatic and flavorful side dishes such as curries, vegetables, pickles, and papadum. What makes this dining experience unique is the tradition of using one’s fingers to savor the meal.

Eating with fingers is not merely a practicality but an art, allowing diners to mix and relish various flavors while appreciating the textures and spices. The tactile engagement with the meal, paired with the communal act of sharing food, embodies the warmth and conviviality of Malaysian hospitality.

Eat blue-color rice

Nasi kerabu. Credit: Misaochan2 / Wikimedia Commons

Nasi Kerabu is a traditional Malay dish that hails from the northeastern region of Malaysia, particularly Kelantan and Terengganu. What sets this dish apart is its striking blue-hued rice, achieved through the use of butterfly pea flowers. The flower doesn’t lend any flavor or scent to the rice, but it is said to have some antioxidant properties.

The rice, often fragrantly infused with herbs, is accompanied by an array of flavorful condiments and side dishes, including finely sliced herbs like torch ginger, basil, and mint, alongside shredded coconut, bean sprouts, and cucumber. The dish is further enriched with protein options such as grilled fish or chicken, and a dollop of fiery sambal (chili paste) adds a spicy kick.

Try nyonya / peranakan cuisine

Nyonya desserts. Credit: DD993f2 / Wikimedia Commons

Nyonya, or Peranakan, cuisine is a tantalizing blend of aromatic spices, tangy flavors, and unique ingredients that reflect the intermingling of Malay and Chinese cultures. Dishes like the nyonya laksa, the Ayam Pongteh (chicken stew), and the delightful Kueh Dadar (pandan crepe rolls) stuffed with coconut fillings are just a few examples of the diverse Nyonya fare.

Each dish is a result of meticulous preparation methods and bold use of ingredients like lemongrass, galangal, tamarind, and coconut milk. Exploring Nyonya cuisine is not just a culinary adventure; it’s a cultural immersion that highlights the heritage and intricate flavors of a unique culinary tradition shaped by centuries of cultural blending.

Try all the different laksa in every state

Penang laksa. Credit: Jonathan Lin / Wikimedia Commons

Laksa, a beloved noodle soup dish, manifests itself in myriad forms across Malaysia, each region boasting its unique twist on this iconic dish. From the tangy and spicy Asam Laksa of Penang, brimming with mackerel, tamarind, and aromatic herbs, to the creamy and coconut-infused Laksa Lemak of Kelantan or Sarawak’s Laksa Sarawak featuring a blend of spices, prawns, and shredded chicken, every variation promises a delightful culinary adventure.

Whether sampling the rich and savory Nyonya Laksa or the fiery Laksa Johor with its thick gravy, trying all the different versions of this noodle dish should become a quest for every visitor to embark on during their Malaysia trip.

Join a cooking class

Cooking class in Penang. Credit: StagiaireMGIMO / Wikimedia Commons

Whether in bustling cities or serene villages, cooking classes offer a savory immersion into the country’s rich culinary heritage, inviting participants to learn the intricacies of Malaysian cuisine from passionate local chefs. 

Through guided demonstrations and interactive sessions, participants gain insights into the artful use of herbs, spices, and traditional cooking techniques that define Malaysian gastronomy. Beyond mastering recipes, these classes foster cultural exchanges, as instructors share anecdotes about the history and cultural significance of each dish.

How many have you managed to check off the list? Share in the comment section below.

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