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Hello, I'm Ummi!

I’m a 30-something-year-young Malaysian, living in Kuala Lumpur. I was born and raised in Malaysia and have spent my whole life in this beautiful country, save for the few weeks per year that I spend traveling abroad.

I initially started out with another blog, Ummi Goes Where? documenting my solo travels around the world. However, when the pandemic hit and the world closed its borders, I began to rediscover my home turf, revisiting all 14 states, familiarizing myself all over again with the beauty of my own backyard.

And I realized that there weren’t many travel blogs out there that were dedicated solely to Malaysia. So, my goal now is to produce a comprehensive bilingual travel blog about Malaysia that will cater to both Malaysian and international readers.

As a local, I’m able to give you valuable insights and insider’s tips about this place I call home, and as someone who has traveled extensively in over 60 countries, I also understand your needs and wants as an independent traveler.

Other than blogging, I give private walking tours in Kuala Lumpur, where you will spend 3 hours visiting all the popular attractions, learning about the local history and culture, as well as sampling some street food. Occasionally, I also dabble in short-story writing (you may check my Author’s Page on Goodreads).

My next project is to do photoshoot tours in my city. Stay tuned!

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